Thursday, July 29, 2010

Walking my a@# off, literally!!!

Today's blog is for my fellow nurses. I recently started wearing MBT(Masai Barefoot Technology) shoes while I work. In the last 2 1/2 months I have lost 22pounds. I have literally walked my a@# off while I was working. These shoes are designed with a curved sole, so that they simulate walking on unbalanced ground. The benefits in addition to toning your butt, thighs and calves, they also help relieve back, neck, and knee problems. They allow you to burn more calories than walking in normal shoes because you have to use your core to balance yourself. It feels like walking with a rubber ball under the arch of your feet, which is very comfortable. Let's face it, we spend a good deal of our shifts, whether it be 8 or 12 hours, on our feet, we may as well get some benefit from it than sore feet and backs. These shoes run about $250, but can be bought through online outlet stores for around $100. There are also other brands that are also making this type of shoe, such as Sketchers, Fila, and Converse, with prices as low as $40. They are well worth the money in the benefits that they will deliver. I have only tried the MBT's so I can't vouch for the others, but based on the design they should provide the same benefits. I would recommend these shoes to anyone that spends time on their feet, they are so comfortable.

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